Author - Lakes Region Vermont

Fair Haven sidewalks grant

The town of Fair Haven has been granted $30,000 from the Vermont Transportation Alternatives Program to fund a feasibility study with hopes of an approval for sidewalks to be put on Mechanic Street from the high school to Second Street.

“The money came from a competitive grant program by the Vtrans Alternative Program,” Town Manager Herb Durfee said. “We are looking to solicit firms to do a feasibility study and if we have positive results we would apply for construction of the sidewalks.”

The feasibility study to see if sidewalks could be put in may take up the better half of the summer, and if all goes according to plan, construction would start sometime in the next two years.

“We hope the sidewalks will bring more connectivity between neighborhoods between Second and the high school,” Durfee said. “Also they could clear up safety concerns by giving pedestrians a safer option than walking on the road.”



Chore Corps Helps With Spring Cleaning

The Castleton Community Seniors are committed to providing services that support older adult independence. As more seniors choose to live independently, we find they are in need of help on an occasional basis with everyday chores like spring cleaning, small repairs, raking, or lawn care.

The Chore Corps is designed to help seniors remain in their homes longer by connecting them with volunteers who can help them with small chores and home projects.  Lillian Pitts is our CCSI Chore Corps coordinator.  Call the Center at 802-468-3093 and add your name to the list of seniors needing free assistance for at-home chores, or let us know if you are interested in volunteering to help.